Welcome to the world of Shazie

The Big Fish

I am going fishing today. The sky looks bright and its hot too, I guessed its a good time to go out of the house, having fresh air.  I brought my dog Lassie with me. A cup of worms will be enough for a noon, to  sit under a tree and lure my rod. I don’t really lucky in fishing but its my gateway from my mom chores.


We walked through my uncle’s land. The river is just beside his cottage.  I always sit beside the river bank. Lassie will b wondering through the trees. As usual, after I threw my bait I rest and wait for the thrill of excitement. I looked around and I don’t know why my heart is talking about this guy I met during my trip to Europe.

The biggest thing on his face that caught my eyes was his black thick moustache. He has not so much hair on his head. I wonder if moustache can grow and use to add to his hair…hahaha silly me. I kind of like his smiles.


He looked sweet. I get to know him when I was on a bus. We sat together. The trip from one town to the other took hours, so we talked and shared some stories. He was a friendly and could talk for hours if I let him. He would stop when I added some of my important points. Even if its not that valuable piece but at least he paused and listened to me. We exchanged email address as a friendship handshake, since then we had been writing every day. One email a day from each of us.


He never miss sending  an email to me, so I do too. Anyway, Its a good way to improve my writing. I am always excited to read what he has to say. Every day is like a mystery. What is it going to be, opening an email is just like, opening a present. The feeling of receiving it is always full of beautiful imaginations. Luckily, he never send me sad story.



I always like to go for adventures and travels. I love to explore colourful cultures, tasty food and the divine of people bring to life. They are priceless experience even money cant buy. I always treasured what time brought to my eyes and life. When he mentioned to visit my town, I wasn’t oppose to his suggestion. I just thought, why not broaden our sight to see the world instead of stepping into my little town. So I showed him the map of the world in my email.  I told him, if he ever seen a globe, its such a big wide world. I pulled his eyes to SPAIN… it would be wonderful to witness the  ancient bullfight. We will throw coin in the air and make a bet. If the bull is defeated by the matador then, he is welcome to my small town. I guessed he didn’t realize it was a challenge. I just want to see how strong will he has to come and visit me. SPAIN is a beautiful country. The land of dreams. His present at my little town surely bring fireworks and happy sight even if the bull is laughing in victory.



Day by day talking to him certainly make me miss him. I want to meet him again. I miss that talk, we had in a bus. At times, he was sensitive toward the words I said. He didn’t say much but it made him silence. I, myself forgot what it was about because I thought it was just a simple matter. We did have our disagreement on certain topics. But after a five or ten minutes or so, he will smile again. So, I tend to forget the crazy argument. He is a nice guy, I am the stubborn ones.


O…no! Suddenly its raining. Lassie is barking and pulling my pant. We are running home. The fishes have gone  visiting their grandmother today.  Home sweet home. Afternoon tea with fried egg will make a happy day.


Images courtesy: Lingvistov (Pinterest)

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