Welcome to the world of Shazie

Never too late, Never too soon

Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!


Happy New Year Darling 😍


2016 had ended. Time has absolutely flying fast, passed us by without warning. We are always beaten whether we like it or not, no men can win the race over time. Not even the fastest man on earth – Usain Bolt.

In 2016, we met eyes to eyes. We plan what we want to plan but it is much greater when God plans for us. I remembered I told my friend that I am planning a life, building a life better than before. It is always easier said than done, surely there are set backs and obstacles slowing down the climbing. I told my friend it’s okay, there is always a silver lining in the dark cloud. May be it means we need a better plans and strategies. Never did it crosses my mind 2016 brought you to my life. Guess when God said if it’s meant to be it is meant to be.

Life is never easy, not as we want it . Dream and reality, they are completely different entities. Dreams, we can always dream as we like but reality is never beautiful or kind. All of us aim for better life, we strive, we thrive but only God will determine all the effort we put on it.  We sow what we want, we just never know what will  coming our way like Forest Gump said the ” Life is just like a box of chocolate, you never know what you are going to get ”

Year 2016 is unforgettable for us. We made our dreams came true. We had our own website “the world of shazie ” and ” shazie cakes”.  You made my dreams alive as I told you many times I want to be a writer. I want to write about my life and share it with the world. I also want to be a travel writer who travels around the globe and put the experience on paper. Most of all, I want to write about you and us. I want to tell, to draw and record our love story for us and world to read just like Romeo and Juliet ( but not dying too soon, I want to live love with you before flying to heaven too)


We really conquered Sydney, when we went for Skywalk at Sydney Tower. We climbed the Sydney Bridge, we visited the Blue Mountain,Terongga Zoo and travelled to Manly Island. We celebrated the Festival of light, watching the Vivid together.

Darling, you always said yes and ready when I am asking for adventures. I might not ask, I might not show, the worry that you may be short of money to accommodate our trips. I pray to god to bless you always with smoothly flowing income. So we could explore the map gloriously.


Darling,  with you – I learned to cook, to tolerate,  to compromise and the meaning of love. We fought, we argued and we had our silenced. You always rescued the imperfection and made it better for us. Tears always strengthen our hearts. 😙

I love the time we spent in making the website, you really put all your energy to bring it to the world. We didn’t sleep until 5am a few days. I am, myself starting to try generating ideas. I hoped everything will come to its place as I am not great in organising ideas, but God is great. He made it came to life. We had stories, pictures, poems and recipes.

The greatest success was Shazie Apps.  You invented the apps. I know it wasn’t easy but you nailed it. After three weeks of trials in an institution. They agreed to run it in their institute. It was a victory for 2016.

We met only half year and we made our love and passion alive.

Can you imagine if we have met earlier?

What else could us brought already???



Lastly but not least, we built our home. We bought flowers and went to Ikea buying tables, TV, cables, chairs and bed. We celebrated our Christmas and New Year the first time.

I pray and I hope 2017 will be a joyous and an amazing year for us in love, in work and life.


Im ready for 2017 with you darling and wing my life for you…happy birthday and happy new year again.

May God bless us – Forever Darling, amen!




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