Welcome to the world of Shazie

The colours of Rainbow


There is nothing new to say goodbye and to meet once again, but still my heart cry and tears flowing down my cheeks.

Mr ikan is holding and carry my bag as usual. He always keep his hair neat and tidy, as always. I hug Mr ikan tightly, to feel his heart  next to mine. His beating heart gave me strength to meet and alive in this love we have. Each time we meet I could feel the raindrop fell and it sprinkle the rainbow with greeting to our souls.  When the rain is gone, we walk along the string of light to keep holding on…how amazing! The power of technology help our communication flow ignoring the knock of time, flash of day and night.

His love is full of spirit. He is just like an angel treated my bleeding wound. He has a strength of determination to keep our love fresh and exuberant.

It almost one year now we never fail to reach each other, Mr ikan’s  patience shaping me to believe in faith and value what we had.  I look into his eyes I promised myself, I too must be solid and commit.

As soon as I step into the airplane the counting of days begin, to buy tickets for the next flight and to save pocket money for the coming journey.

It’s never goodbye, it’s a farewell and soon praying we will be together forever❤.




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